
Spring Foraging Walk and Talk at Slieve Aughty Centre

Spring Foraging Walk and Talk at Slieve Aughty Centre

Slieve Aughty Centre at Kylebrack, Loughrea is the starting point for a Spring Foraging Walk and Talk on Saturday, 2 April, from 10am to 1pm.

Start with a hot beverage and a scone and a short introductory chat about foraging before taking a stroll to visit the hedgerows.
There you will meet some common plants and learn how to safely and respectfully bring them into your kitchen, diet and medicine cabinets.
Perhaps you will even change your perspective on our so-called ‘weeds’!

Contact Olwyn for more details and to book your place: olwynw7@gmail.com 0879047553.

Why not make a day of it and indulge in a delicious lunch at the Slieve Aughty Centre after the walk?

Slieve Aughty Centre, Kylebrack, Loughrea, Co. Galway, Ireland.

Phone: +353 (090) 974 5246
Email: info@slieveaughtycentre.com

Facebook: slieveaughtyequestrianandactivitycentre

For more information view https://slieveaughtycentre.com/

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