Loughrea Icebreakers Christmas Day Swim 2021 raises over €2000

Loughrea Icebreakers Christmas Day Swim 2021 raises over €2000

CASA Loughrea in association with Loughrea Lions Club are thanking every person who attended Loughrea Icebreakers Christmas Day Swim 2021. ‘The positive atmosphere was infectious and the generosity of all who were there beyond all expectations. €2271.50 was raised on Christmas morning.’

Prior to the event, CASA Loughrea announced there were going to be a few changes for the 2021 event, ‘in line with public health advice, dressing rooms will not be available. Catering also unavailable so please come prepared! Finally, we have decided against Sponsorship Cards for 2021. There will however be a bucket collection on the morning for anyone who would like to make a donation.’

However, they are already looking ahead to 2022’s event; ‘Hopefully our swim in December 2022 will be bigger and better than ever before where laughter abounds, teas and coffees flow, music fills the air and social distancing is a thing of the past.’

Loughrea Lions Club on Facebook: loughrea.lionsclub | CASA Loughrea on Facebook: casaloughrea

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